Desembarco Chévere

- En escena: Patricia de Lorenzo, Miguel de Lira, Mónica García, Arantza Villar, Borja Fernández, Tone Martínez, Leticia T. Blanco, Lucía Estévez, Manuel Cortés, Carlos Santiago, Diego Anido
- Comunicación: Xana García
- Vídeo: Lucía Estévez, Alba Pego
- Produción: Inés Portela
- Músicos: Xacobe Martínez Antelo, Manuel Cebrián, Max Gómez
- Técnicos: Xurxo Pinheiro, Fidel Vázquez
- Rotulismo: AliVaVa
O Desembarco Chévere conta co apoio e complicidade de Concello de Santiago de Compostela, Auditorio de Galicia, Kalandraka, Deleite, Teatro Rosalía de Castro A Coruña, Teatre lliure Barcelona, Sala Ártika Vigo, Liceo de Noia, A.C. Canle Lira
Thirty five years fishing in susteinable artistic waters (1987-2022)
In 2022 Chévere turns 35 and we are going to spend the year celebrating that the group is still in good shape and working hard. Throughout next Fall we well gather our new creations and offer them in different formats and cities both inside and outside Galicia to offer a last chance to see some of our plays afther these two years of strange events hindered the chance of meeting each other at the theatre.
One of this year's highlights will be the comeback of he Ultranoite, September 23rd and 24th at Liceo de Noia
The celebration will also include special performances of N.E.V.E.R.M.O.R.E., Curva España and As Fillas Bravas, and a small exhibition on Sala Nasa. The kickoff will be at the same date the venue first opened its doors 30 years ago. Coincidentally, two books will be released: q graphic novel on the history of Sala Nasa and an autobiography of the company.
This is the event calendar from September to December:
September 23, 24
Liceo de Noia
Tickets: 20€
FB de Momán, October 7 and 8 Sala Ártika Vigo
FB e o Mito de Casandra October 9Sala Ártika Vigo
SALA NASA 1992-2022
Exhibition Zona C Compostela
October 19/November 19
Four small time capsules on Sala Nasa's 30th aniversary
November 4, 5. Auditorio de Galicia Compostela 12€ / <25 anos 8€
November 7,8. Programa Didáctico Auditorio de Galicia
N.E.V.E.R.M.O.R.E. at Prestige's 20th aniversary
Novembro 10, 11 Programa Didáctico Auditorio de Galicia
November 11, 12, 13 Auditorio de Galicia Compostela 12€ / <25 anos 8€
November 19 Auditorio Vimianzo
BONO CURVA ESPAÑA+N.E.V.E.R.M.O.R.E. (valid to attend both plas)
Auditorio de Galicia, Compostela. Bono: 20€ Select the days you want to attend:
Book Chévere 1987-2022 Trinta anos de axitación cultural
Ed. Kalandraka
Presentación 26 novembro (Culturgal)
Graphic novel on the history of Nasa through the eyes of a child who grew up among its walls, drawed by Tristán Ron. Presentations Novemer 25 (Santiago DC), November 26 (Culturgal)
December 7th to 18th, Teatre Lliure Barcelona, tickets aquí
December 29th Teatro Rosalía de Castro A Coruña
December 28th Teatro Rosalía Castro A Coruña
At the 20th aniversary of the Wake of the sea and MAN's death
Chévere's Landing was possible thanks to the support of Concello de Santiago de Compostela-Auditorio de Galicia, the sponsorship of Deleite and the collaboration of Coruña's Teatro Rosalía de Castro, Barcelona's Teatre Lliure, Kalandraka Editorial, Sala Ártika, Liceo de Noia and Asociación Cultural Canle de Lira.